A man reads a book in Braille. Below the Where it's AT logo, text reads: "Empowering Access with AT in Libraries - AbilityTools.org"

Empowering Access with AT in Libraries

Discover how libraries are using assistive technology and devices for breaking barriers and creating equitable learning environments for all in public community spaces. Libraries prioritize accessibility, viewing it as essential for all patrons. This aligns with their mission to provide inclusive access to information and services. Assistive technology is crucial in bridging gaps for individuals…

An abstract image of a sphere connected by dots and lines. Within the sphere is a profile of a woman's head with a white overlay line drawing of a brain. Beneath the Where it's AT logo, text reads "From Surviving to Thriving: AT for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) - AbilityTools.org"

From Surviving to Thriving: AT for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex condition that can profoundly impact an individual’s life, often requiring a multifaceted approach to rehabilitation and daily living. With advancements in technology, Assistive Technology (AT) devices have become invaluable tools in helping those with TBI support their needs more effectively. Join us as the Ability Tools Team explores…

A basket filled with different colored yarn and some crochet hooks. Beneath the Where it's AT logo, text reads "AT for Crafting www.AbilityTools.org"

AT for Crafting

Crafting is a fun activity that many people enjoy. It’s not just about making things; it can help you relax, be creative, and express yourself. Crafting is a calming activity. When you do things like knitting or painting, the repetitive actions can make you feel peaceful and take your mind off stress. It’s like a…

A person assisting an older adult transfer from their wheelchair to a vehicle. Beneath the Where it's AT logo, text reads "Easy Does It: AT for Safe and Effective Transfers www.AbilityTools.org"

Easy Does It: AT for Safe and Effective Transfers

Assistive technology plays a crucial role in making patient transfers safer and more independent for people with disabilities. Transferring patients, such as moving from a bed to a wheelchair, is more than just physical support; it’s about enhancing safety and fostering independence. Let’s explore the various assistive technologies that make this possible and see how…

Photo of a young Latino man typing, using a black Braille device. Text: My Technology Wake-Up Call. Alan Cruz shares his experience using Braille devices.

My Technology Wake-Up Call

By Jose Alan Cruz I may have started using assistive technology (AT) in junior high, but my  ‘relationship’ with technology did not start until I got to my first year of college. Throughout my junior high and high school years, I used my BrailleNote to do almost all my homework.  A BrailleNote is device that…

the Modified manual chair set in a outdoor setting

Land of the Free

Written by: Brett Bunge, Community Inclusion Support Specialist, The Arc of Spokane Those of us who use manual wheelchairs are often forced to accept certain environmental limitations. Whether it’s broken pavement on a sidewalk, missing curb cuts, steep hills, or simply rough terrain, necessity forces wheelchair users to become experts at navigation. On the flip…

Beach accessibility sign with long beach path in backgroud and a wheelchair user using the path

A Wheelchair User’s Guide to the California Coast

Summertime is here and beaches are a very common destination for those looking to cool off. California’s spectacular coast offers many outdoor adventures for wheelchair users, parents pushing strollers, and others who need accessibility features such as a wide, fairly level and firm path of travel. These travel guides and resources that can help wheelchair…