A woman sitting in front of a laptop signing at the screen. Text reads "Zoom Tips & Tricks How to navigate zoom as a meeting host"

How to Navigate Zoom as a Meeting Host

If you are like most Californians, you might be finding yourself participating in your community in a much more “virtual” capacity. In a previous blog, How to Navigate Zoom as a Meeting Attendee, we shared some tips and tricks on accessing Zoom as an attendee If you find yourself wondering how to host a meeting…

How to Navigate Zoom as a Meeting Attendee

If you are like most Californians, you might be finding yourself participating in your community in a much more “virtual” capacity. Many students, employees and family members are finding Zoom meeting invitations in their inboxes, and a good deal of them might not know exactly how to navigate this online meeting service. If you find…

Graphic of old Ability Tools Weekly logo next to new "Where It's AT: The Ability Tools Blog" logo

WHERE IT’S AT: The New Name for the Ability Tools Blog

The Ability Tools team at the California Foundation for Independent Living (CFILC) opted to let our assistive technology (AT) advocates and the general public vote online for a new blog name. With over 50% of the votes, Where It’s AT won! When you think of an assistive technology (AT) blog – Ability Tools is Where…

The image is of President Obama at the White House. He has his arm wrapped around a computer screen that is a robot attached to wheels. On the screen you can see Alice Wong connecting via videochat from her home in San Francisco. The right side features the Ability Tools Logo. It reads “Ability Tools Blog My Day as a Robot. By Alice Wong, Founder of the Disability Visibility Project. www.AbilityTools.org/blog”.

My Day as a Robot

Written By: Alice Wong, Founder of the Disability Visibility Project Resistance to assistive technology is futile. As a sci-fi nerd, I have to make a Star Trek reference whenever I talk about technology and disabled people. The disability community is living in the darkest timeline right now, at least that’s what it feels like under…