The helping home logo that have a green house over green and blue writing with a heart Incorporated in

Making the Kitchen Wheelchair Accessible Part 1: Food Prep

Written by: Jason Biddle, The Helping Home  Thanks to the concept of Universal Design first introduced in the 1960’s and the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines in 1992, designing with accessibility in mind has become increasingly prevalent throughout the United States. Unfortunately, much of the country’s existing housing stock still lacks the accessibility design elements…

golden grab bars along the left wall of the toilet

Top 5 ways to outfit the bathroom for disabled or elderly loved ones

Re-Published from the Assistive Technology Blog. Click here for original article Bathrooms can be very dangerous, both to the disabled and the elderly. The smooth surfaces, awkward movements, and generally solitary usage of the bathroom makes it one of the most common areas for accidental falls and injuries to occur, both for the elderly and…