picture of Mindview's box

MindView Assistive Technology – Mind Mapping Software Helps Improve Reading & Writing

by Brandon Conrad, Assistive Technology Specialist, MatchWare MindView AT addresses key learning objectives for students with reading, writing and learning difficulties and is based on the principles of mind mapping.  MindView helps to identify, process and present information visually.  It is helpful to many learners with reading and writing disabilities, including children and adults with…

Tecla – A Hands-Free Device That Connects to Switches

by: Rachel Anderson, Marketing & Communications Manager for Ability Tools In the field of assistive technology (AT) we talk a lot about switches.  We usually bring one or two switches to our tabling and outreach events as some simple and portable examples of AT, since they are a popular item that we loan out for…

Meet Milo, a Social Robot Like No Other…

 by Rachel Anderson, Marketing & Communications Manager for Ability Tools Recently at the international ATIA Conference, I had the opportunity to meet Milo, a new robot designed for children with autism.  I had never seen anything quite like him… and, although robotics are still a science that needs some perfecting, I was quite impressed with…

What is on Your Holiday AT Wish List?

Here at Ability Tools, we are always looking for good deals on Assistive Technology (AT) products to tell our readers about. During the holiday season it is a great time to find sales on those more expensive AT products, as sales are widespread and most stores participate in the giving spirit by giving consumers at…

Understanding Traumatic Brain Injury

by the California Department of Rehabilitation Traumatic brain injury, TBI for short, is a forceful impact to the head that disrupts the normal functioning of the brain, resulting in an array of physical, mental, emotional and intellectual symptoms and disabilities. TBIs occur more frequently than you might anticipate. According to the Centers for Disease Control,…

picture of a woman walking with a black service animal on a college campus

Disability Support Programs and Services – College for All!

To see the complete article, visit:  12 Questions to Ask about a College’s Disability Services. Disability Support Programs and Services (DSPS) were enacted in 1976 through the passage of Assembly Bill 77 (Lanterman), which funds support services and instructional programs for students with disabilities in the California Community Colleges.  DSPS assists colleges to provide services…