A smart phone displaying the YouTube logo is being held above a laptop with YouTube open on the screen's browser. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Social Media Accessibility Tips & Tricks: YouTube - abilitytools.org

Social Media Accessibility Tips & Tricks: YouTube

Whether sharing a new photo, commenting on current affairs, uploading a funny video, or promoting your business’s newest venture, social media remains relevant because people want to make connections. However, these connections aren’t always possible if social media platforms aren’t accessible. The Where It’s AT Blog team has put together some of the latest accessibility…

A non-labeled videogame controller on a red and yellow surface. Text reads: AT Holiday Gift & Mod Guide: Video Games & Toys Where It's AT Logo - abilitytools.org/blog

AT Video Game Toys and Tips for the Holidays

Yesterday’s post about AT Gifts for the holidays was suspiciously void of video game related AT. Don’t fret. Where It’s AT has our gaming community members covered, we just decided this topic deserved it’s very own blog! First off, let us just recognize that Microsoft is leading the industry in respect to first party adaptive…

How to Navigate Zoom as a Meeting Attendee

If you are like most Californians, you might be finding yourself participating in your community in a much more “virtual” capacity. Many students, employees and family members are finding Zoom meeting invitations in their inboxes, and a good deal of them might not know exactly how to navigate this online meeting service. If you find…

There is a black bar with white text. It reads "Luke Hsieh's Favorite AT five favorite assistive technology devices from high-tech to low-tech". There are photos of the various AT devices and the Ability Tools logo.

Top Five AT Devices from an AT Advocate

Written by: Luke Hsieh, Assistive Technology Advocate Community Access Center For this top five countdown, I will be ranking my my five favorite assistive technology devices from high-tech to low-tech. By September next year, I will have worked a full decade as an assistive technology specialist for an Independent Living Center.  The first generation iPad…

White background with blacjk letters that read 'new tech new year". colorful gears border the writing

New Year, New Tech

AT Advocates are community based information and referral specialists who can assist consumers with a variety of assistive technology issues. They work at Independent Living Centers in California.  Ability Tools wouldn’t be the program it is without these advocates and all their hard work. With the New Year approaching we asked our advocates to tell…

picture of the ez lite crusier poratble foldable lightweight power chair

The Transformers Cometh!

Written by:  Luke C. Hsieh, Assistive Technology Advocate, Community Access Center While there has been little exciting news in the realm of high-tech consumer electronics – other than the soul-eating-time-devouring-productivity-killing Pokemon Go – there is some news in the tablet word. Sometimes masquerading as a therapeutic app for people with agoraphobia, or, more generally, a…

Catherine at table using headset mouse with her computer

Gaining a Grasp on Assistive Technology

By Maggie Mahony, Grasp Assistive Technologies Grasp Assistive Technologies aims to deliver every benefit of technology to enhance communication, interaction, and learning.  We specialize in offering assistive technologies and educational toys from around the world.  We believe in the power of progress; and that each advancement, big or small, is a critical step towards independence.…