Reusing AT can save lives in the developing the world

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By Shannon Coe, CFILC’s Reuse and Finance Coordinator
In May 2012, the World Institute on Disability (WID) made a video using pictures to tell a story about my experience with the Peace Corps.  As a woman who uses a wheelchair, I had to overcome many barriers Peace Corps created because they did not think people with disabilities can work in developing countries.  After much persistence and advocacy on my part and with the help of letters from a lawyer, it took about 2 years before Peace Corps allowed me to join.  I served 2 years in Paraguay as an Urban Youth Development Worker, and worked on disability right projects.  During my service, I did not see many Paraguayans with disabilities in the communities, schools, or the workplace.  Most of them were abandoned and confined at home because they did not have mobility devices or assistive technology to be a part of society.
Click here to view the video of my time in Peace Corps Paraguay. Click here to view the video in Spanish. 

For this reason, when I returned from the Peace Corps I wanted to volunteer for US organizations that send reuse mobility devices to developing countries.  If you want to donate mobility devices or assistive technology that isn’t accepted in your local area, please consider sending them abroad.  Here are a few organizations to look into:
Do you know of any organizations that send reuse assistive technology abroad?

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