Liftware for Hand Tremors

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by Nubyaan Scott, Program Coordinator for Ability Tools

Tremors are involuntary movements that can make it harder to perform daily tasks. The most common of all involuntary movements, tremors can affect the hands, arms, head, face, voice, trunk, and legs. However, most tremors occur in the hands. While some people take medication in order to reduce the occurrence of their tremors; medication does not always work, and is not always an option. Assistive technology can be another option for people who are affected by tremors

LIFT Labs has developed a product called Liftware, which seeks to provide people who experience hand tremors with an easier eating experience. According to the company’s website, “sensors in the Liftware handle detect a person’s tremor, and the device responds using motors to move the spoon opposite the tremor. The spoon can discern motion from hand tremor from other types of motion, allowing it to respond to just the tremor while preserving the user’s intended motion. Liftware allows the patient’s hand to shake while stabilizing food in the spoon.”

picture of a large handled spoonLift Labs offers 4 eating utensil attachments for Liftware, and they are developing more attachments that can help with everyday tasks (e.g. keyholder). The device can be purchased on the Lift Labs website, and costs $295.00. The company’s website also accepts donations, which they match dollar for dollar, in order to provide Liftware devices to people in economic hardship.

Here is a video of this AT being used:

Do you know of any other AT that assists individuals experiencing tremors to perform daily tasks?  Share it with us in the comment section below.



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