Borrow an AT Device and “Try Before You Buy”

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Did you know that Ability Tools runs 11 Device Lending Libraries (DLLs) throughout the state of California?

Our DLLs provide short-term loans of assistive devices and gadgets that can help Californians live independently.

Whether the need is temporary or if you would just like to try out some devices before you spend money on them, our Device Lending Libraries are there to assist you with free 30 days of equipment including such AT as portable ramps, AAC devices, magnifiers, computer software and much, much more.

One of our DLLs in San Jose is housed at Silcon Valley Independent Living Center and run by an AT Advocate, Joe Escalante.  Joe assists community members in need of finding AT – including funding options, general information and referrals, and loans from his DLL. He recently collaborated with a Speech Pathologist, Haley Dayel.

Picture of Haley Dayel sitting at a table with a communication device in front of herHaley works with patients who were in need of assistive technology to help further the rehabilitation process for individuals that have experienced Tramatic Brain Injury (TBI). At her work, Haley realized she didn’t have access to all of the AT necessary to do her work, as every individual is unique. It often takes trying out many different tools before one finds the AT that works best for him or her.  Haley was thrilled to discover SVILC’s DLL and connected with Joe to borrow devices for her clients.

Haley continues to borrow all of the assistive technology that her patients needed and  she has referred other professionals to take advantage of the opportunity as well.  Furthermore, Haley has also been helpful to SVILC’s DLL by suggesting some AT equipment that could be added to our inventory that would benefit her patients with TBI.  Fortunately,  the DLL was able to purchase most of it.

Here is some of that equipment:

Device Lending Libraries can ship most items to borrowers throughout California. To see what devices are available, visit the AT Exchange.

Do you have an AT device you have been really wanting to try?  Write it in the comment section below!


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