This post was reprinted with permission from disABILITY WORK TOOLS
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Tax Incentives can help offset the cost of accommodating a worker’s disability. With assistive technology and accommodations workers can keep doing their jobs instead of quitting their trade and applying for social security disability payments. Workers and employers often do not know about assistive technology that could help a tradesman keep working. They do not know how to make cost-effective facility upgrades for a person’s disability. With disability work tools, workers can now be encouraged to maintain their employment!
There are two tax incentives to help businesses become accessible. The most attractive is the tax credit up to $5000 applied to 1/2 of the cost of accommodations or assistive technology for people with disabilities. The other is a $15,000 business tax deduction for the same type of costs. Details on the ADA tax incentives and other resources for businesses making accomodations for people with disabilities can be found on the Department of Justice ADA Business Connection website.
While the National Organization on Disability and other rehabilitation organizations are very attuned to computer-based assistive technology for the office-type work place, Disability Work Tools specializes in accommodating work sites and researching appropriate tools and assistive technology to workers in the skilled trades. With the tax incentives and expert advice and information from, businesses can be encouraged to keep and hire skilled workers with disabilities.