A dark blue background. Large white text reads "Free Telecommunication Solutions, Anyone?". Beaneath this is a photo of two adapted phones and a senior woman using the phone. The bottom has the Ability Tools Logo and the California Phones logo.

Free Telecommunication Solutions, Anyone?

Written By: Ability Tools Staff Did you know that California has a state program that provides FREE phone to individuals with various disabilities? These phones are provided by the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) at no charge to eligible Californians. DDTP distributes telecommunications equipment and services that improve communication for all Californians. A program of the…

A dark blue background with red and white diagonal stripes. The text in white reads "Vilissa's Vital AT". In red text it reads "Ability Tools Weekly". There is the Ability Tools logo.


Written By: Vilissa Thompson, LMSW, Creator of Ramp Your Voice! As someone who is proudly disabled as a wheelchair user, little woman, and who is hard of hearing (HoH), assistive technology (AT) allows me to exist and be a part of my community with fewer barriers.  To not have the AT I depend on means…

olli bus self drives through a campus with people sitting inside

Meet Olli! A self driving bus that speaks sign language & provides other accommodations

A new self driving bus, named Olli, is in the works that does a lot more than taking people places. An accessible version of the bus, called “Accessible Olli” will be using IBM’s artificial intelligence powered Watson technology to communicate with passengers since there will be no driver or staff on it. For example, when…

Road sign saying welcome to California with state flower on it.

Welcome to California

by: Emily Flynn, Ability Tools Information and Advocacy Specialist Working our information and referral line can bring on some very interesting calls. I speak with people from all walks of life and with all different types of disabilities that affect them. Our goal at Ability Tools is to help individuals with disabilities find assistive technology…

Financial Loans for Assistive Technology Now Available in California!

Financial Loans for Assistive Technology Now Available in California! Finding money to pay for assistive technology can be a challenge for many people with disabilities and qualifying for a loan may seem like an impossible task due to limited income and credit history. Fortunately, on July 11th, CFILC launched a low-interest financial loan program for…

picture of woman using two tablets and smart phone and wheelchair at table

What’s Happening at Ability Tools…

Did you check out our 2016 Assistive Technology (AT) Photo Contest?  We opened the voting of the top ten finalists up to the public and here are a couple of the winners! See all of the winners by clicking here. Thanks to everyone that participated! It was a great event and we will surely do…

2016 assistive technology photo contest

Announcing our 2016 AT Photo Contest!

Are you a person with a disability that uses assistive technology (AT)? Send us a photo and you could win $100!   AT is defined as any device, gadget, hardware or software used by a person with a disability to do things for themselves that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to do because of…

What is on Your Holiday AT Wish List?

Here at Ability Tools, we are always looking for good deals on Assistive Technology (AT) products to tell our readers about. During the holiday season it is a great time to find sales on those more expensive AT products, as sales are widespread and most stores participate in the giving spirit by giving consumers at…