picture of woman using two tablets and smart phone and wheelchair at table

What’s Happening at Ability Tools…

Did you check out our 2016 Assistive Technology (AT) Photo Contest?  We opened the voting of the top ten finalists up to the public and here are a couple of the winners! See all of the winners by clicking here. Thanks to everyone that participated! It was a great event and we will surely do…

2016 assistive technology photo contest

Vote For Your Favorite AT Photo!

Our inaugural 2016 Assistive Technology (AT) Photo Contest was a huge success! We received many great photos that show individuals with disabilities living independently and using AT. We are sad that all of them cannot be winners, but our committee had to narrow it down to the top ten finalists.  From here, we  will leave…

Meet Milo, a Social Robot Like No Other…

 by Rachel Anderson, Marketing & Communications Manager for Ability Tools Recently at the international ATIA Conference, I had the opportunity to meet Milo, a new robot designed for children with autism.  I had never seen anything quite like him… and, although robotics are still a science that needs some perfecting, I was quite impressed with…

Los Angeles Abilities Expo 2016

by Emily Flynn, Ability Tools The recent Los Angeles Abilities Expo 2016 was a great success for Ability Tools! Ability Tools was lucky enough to be able to set up their table in the AT showcase section for the second year in a row.  This means we had enough table space to be able to…

2016 assistive technology photo contest

Announcing our 2016 AT Photo Contest!

Are you a person with a disability that uses assistive technology (AT)? Send us a photo and you could win $100!   AT is defined as any device, gadget, hardware or software used by a person with a disability to do things for themselves that might otherwise be difficult or impossible to do because of…

Picture of a little boy sitting at a desk using a communicaiton tablet

Top 5 Posts of 2015

Happy New Year Everybody! Did you know that we publish a new blog post about assistive technology (AT) devices and services each and every week -usually on Tuesdays- and that you can sign up with your email address to get it delivered directly to your inbox?  Enter your email today so that you don’t miss…

picture of a smiling woman seated and holding a placard that says I am a caregiver for my mom

Happy National Family Caregivers Month!

Did you know that November is National Family Caregivers Month? Did you know that there are over 40 million U.S. caregivers who provide an estimated $470 billion of unpaid service annually? Fortunately, this month the Family Caregiver Alliance initiated a really neat campaign to honor these millions of caregivers. Join them in their campaign “I…