New Year’s Resolutions & Assistive Technology

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Each yearpicture of a woman sitting cross-legged in a meditation pose with the sun setting, the majority of the population makes at least one or more resolutions for the upcoming year.

Subsequently, each year people get frustrated and quit their resolutions before Spring.

Why do we fail and what assistive technology can help us achieve our goals?

Fortunately, if you are the type of person that has made one or more resolutions, you are already over halfway there!

People who first bother to even make resolutions are overwhelmingly more likely to achieve success. Other than focusing on your sheer determination, willingness and ability to change, here are some other tips for succeeding with your resolutions for 2015 – as well as some AT that can help you along the way!

  • Willpower does not happen magically, it is like a muscle that you have to use and practice with. The more we practice and use it, the stronger it gets.  So, don’t give up easily if  you are frustrated by that new technology – ie the fitbit you wanted for Christmas, the Wii fitness station or that computer app/program that sounded like you would learn a whole other language in just one week.  Keep working at your willpower daily – you will be surprised how quickly your willpower will become habit. fit bit flex
  • Support is an important part of both improving your own resolve, as well as holding yourself accountable.  Tell friends, families, and co-workers about your resolutions, and don’t be scared to ask for a little encouragement or support when you need it.  Your loved ones might be able to point out techniques or assistive devices that have worked for them.light box
  • One main reason we fail on our resolutions has to do with our stress level.  When we are stressed out, it leads us to turn to comforting (sometimes bad) behaviors like eating, drinking or smoking… among other things. Get your stress in check by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising, and with the help of these following AT devices: white noise machines, stress balls/fidget toys, mediation and sleep aid apps, software to help organize your budget, cleaning chores, or electronic files, light box (to combat winter blues), and medication, “take a break” reminders, or other similar habit-changing apps.  These all exist for a reason!  Try one out to see if one works for you!

Are you in California and need assistance in exploring some of your AT options for your New Year’s resolution?  Contact your local Independent Living Center and the Assistive Technology Advocate.

In addition, for the latest in assistive technological advancements and some inspiration to try and do new things be sure to check out these recent award-winners from the CES Innovation Awards and these honorees in the Innovation Awards Showcase.

Happy New Year!

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