A smiling couple sits at their kitchen counter, reviewing a tablet with a credit card in hand. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads "Online Shopping Tips: Getting the most AT for your money this holiday shopping season." - abilitytools.org

Online AT Shopping Tips!

Assistive Technology (AT) can be expensive, and it is not always covered by insurance or public resources. That is why it is crucial to use as many advantages you have at your disposal to get the best deal possible. With the holiday shopping season kicking into full gear, tactics to get a deal when shopping…

Picture of street sign that says "financial Freedom next exit"

Be Financially Secure in the New Year

Written by: Stephen March, Financial Lending Specialist     Are you considering a financial resolution for 2017? According to a study done by Fidelity Investments, 36% of Americans are considering a financial resolution. The Top 5 financial Resolutions for 2017 courtesy of  Forbes.com are to: Pay off debt Build an emergency fund Save for retirement…