An abstract image of a sphere connected by dots and lines. Within the sphere is a profile of a woman's head with a white overlay line drawing of a brain. Beneath the Where it's AT logo, text reads "From Surviving to Thriving: AT for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) -"

From Surviving to Thriving: AT for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a complex condition that can profoundly impact an individual’s life, often requiring a multifaceted approach to rehabilitation and daily living. With advancements in technology, Assistive Technology (AT) devices have become invaluable tools in helping those with TBI support their needs more effectively. Join us as the Ability Tools Team explores…

A display of an Oculus headset in a store. The Where it's AT logo is situated above the text. Text reads: The Quest for Accessible VR - My experience with an Oculus Quest 2 -

The Quest for Accessible VR

While at an Independent Living Center Leadership meeting, Larry Grable, Executive Director of Service Center for Independent Life (SCIL) in Claremont, shared about his and his staff’s experiences using his Oculus Quest 2. He brought his Oculus in to see how some of his staff with low-vision would interact with it, and talked enthusiastically about…

Graphic of old Ability Tools Weekly logo next to new "Where It's AT: The Ability Tools Blog" logo

WHERE IT’S AT: The New Name for the Ability Tools Blog

The Ability Tools team at the California Foundation for Independent Living (CFILC) opted to let our assistive technology (AT) advocates and the general public vote online for a new blog name. With over 50% of the votes, Where It’s AT won! When you think of an assistive technology (AT) blog – Ability Tools is Where…

A black background with a photo of the author at Pride. There is the YO! Disabled and Proud logo. The text reads "Showing off my Independence on Independence Day By: Tiffany Youth Advisory Councilmember". Beneath this are rainbow stars and the Ability Tools Logo.

Showing off my Independence on Independence Day

Written By: Tiffany Taylor, YO! YAC Member & Halten Center for the Blind Who is Tiffany Taylor? I am a teacher of Braille, Assistive Technology, Independent Living Skills and Financial Management at the Hatlen Center for the Blind. I also happen to be a graduate of the program who is visually impaired. What does Independence…

A dark blue background. Large white text reads "Free Telecommunication Solutions, Anyone?". Beaneath this is a photo of two adapted phones and a senior woman using the phone. The bottom has the Ability Tools Logo and the California Phones logo.

Free Telecommunication Solutions, Anyone?

Written By: Ability Tools Staff Did you know that California has a state program that provides FREE phone to individuals with various disabilities? These phones are provided by the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP) at no charge to eligible Californians. DDTP distributes telecommunications equipment and services that improve communication for all Californians. A program of the…

A pair of hands are shown reading a book in Braille

World Braille Day

Written By: Tatum Tricarico, Point Loma Nazarene University Student & Author Two hundred years ago, someone decided that what the world had to offer him and his disability wasn’t enough. So after putting in a lot of work, Louis Braille changed the world for all blind people. That is why today, and each year on…

Man holding a smart phone up to his face covering his eyes and the eyes shown in the screen of the phone are noticeably different eyes

“Borrowing site” with Be My Eyes

An eye-opening app produced by a non-profit startup in Copenhagen hopes to change life for people who are visually impaired. Hans Jørgen Wiberg, who is visually impaired himself, came up with the idea for the application. Through his work at “The Danish Association of the Blind” he recognized, that visually impaired often need help to cope…

Yellow 3D model of wave length

3D printing math and science models to help Students with visual impairments

Submitted by Joan Horvath, Nonscriptum LLC Often students with visual impairments have difficulty with concepts based on visual/spatial relationships, particularly in math and science. 3D prints offer an unprecedented asset for teachers of the visually impaired (TVIs), and 3D printers are becoming affordable. But TVIs need help designing models to be 3D printed, since the…