Function Trumps Style in Our Family AT Needs

By Christina Mills, Deputy Director of CFILC Function and style don’t always go together. I used to think it was sort of funny that stores carried so many different baby swings and highchairs. I mean, besides the color and theme, who cares…right? I was completely oblivious to all the bells and whistles that each swing…

AT and the TSA

by Allan M. Friedman,Communications & Technical Assistance Manager There was a time when flying was fun, simple, and easy to do. However, since 9/11, the  heightened security measures enforced by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has made travel a nightmarish gauntlet for everyone, especially people with disabilities. What I am referring to here is the…

Advocacy for AT

by Shannon Coe, CFILC Program Coordinator My husband and I are expecting a baby soon, and we had planned to tour the UC Davis Hospital birthing suite where we will be having our baby.  However, it wasn’t until I read  “AT on Your Due Date.” that I realized that there were some important questions I…

Disability History Week 2012

By Kirk Aranda, CFILC’s Youth Organizing! Disabled and Proud Youth Advocate It’s that time of the year again!    It’s time to celebrate Disability History Week! This is a very exciting time where youth from all over California go to their local schools to present lesson plans on disability history topics to teachers and students.   …

Assistive Technology on Your Due Date

by Christina Mills, CFILC’s Deputy DirectorI’ve been questioning whether it was premature of me to write my first AT Blog post about my daughter’s accessible crib. After I wrote that posting I sat back and developed a list of other AT baby-related topics that I wanted to cover, and when I did I realized that…