Show Off Your AT Video Contest Winners!

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logo of AT video contest: says show off your Assistive Technology 2015 video contest with side yellow leaves framing itEarlier this year, Ability Tools launched their second AT video contest.

We were so pleased with all of the submissions we received and would like to thank each and every contestant for entering!

The purpose of this contest was to showcase creative ways people with disabilities use assistive technology (AT).

AT is any object, device or tool used to make life easier.

Many people with disabilities use AT to independently accomplish tasks they otherwise could not.

They might modify a commercial device or improvise their own device using creative strategies and/or household items.

By demonstrating AT solutions, you can motivate and inspire others who are looking for solutions of their own!

Unfortunately, not every participant could be a winner;  we choose the top five videos and then let online public voting decide the top three winners.

Check out the top three winners, and be sure to enter next year!

▸ Amy’s Audio Described Video


▸ SCIL’s Audio Described Video


▸ Cristian’s Audio Described Video

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