The helping home logo that have a green house over green and blue writing with a heart Incorporated in

Making the Kitchen Wheelchair Accessible Part 1: Food Prep

Written by: Jason Biddle, The Helping Home  Thanks to the concept of Universal Design first introduced in the 1960’s and the adoption of the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines in 1992, designing with accessibility in mind has become increasingly prevalent throughout the United States. Unfortunately, much of the country’s existing housing stock still lacks the accessibility design elements…

Financial Loans for Assistive Technology Now Available in California!

Financial Loans for Assistive Technology Now Available in California! Finding money to pay for assistive technology can be a challenge for many people with disabilities and qualifying for a loan may seem like an impossible task due to limited income and credit history. Fortunately, on July 11th, CFILC launched a low-interest financial loan program for…

logo of AT video contest: says show off your Assistive Technology 2015 video contest with side yellow leaves framing it

Show Off Your AT Video Contest Winners!

Earlier this year, Ability Tools launched their second AT video contest. We were so pleased with all of the submissions we received and would like to thank each and every contestant for entering! The purpose of this contest was to showcase creative ways people with disabilities use assistive technology (AT). AT is any object, device…

picture of an accessible tub with a walk in door and blue water inside the white tub with silver metal handles

Where Are All the Walk-in Tubs?

by Emily Flynn, Program Coordinator I have recently started working for Ability Tools as the Program Coordinator for their Information and Referral line. I receive many questions every day and, most of the time, I am able to assist the individual with little to no problems by answering their questions and/ or giving them referrals…