A diverse group of animated people approach baqllot boxes with "x''s" and "Checkmarks" in speech bubbles above their heads. The CFILC, Do network and Where it's AT logo are situated below the image. Text reads: Accessible Voting: California Recall Election September 14, 2021

Accessible Voting: California Recall Election September 14, 2021

The upcoming California State Gubernatorial Recall Election is a special election to decide: Should the Governor of the State of California, Gavin Newsom, be recalled? If so, who should replace him? Because this is an off-cycle special election, most ballots will simply have the recall question and a list of 46 candidates. (Some counties may also choose to add additional local contests, however.)  And…

A masked man looking into the camera while sitting in an electric wheelchair, against the backdrop of the outside of a house. Text beneath the Where it's AT Blog logo reads: Advocates Working Together - Bringing the Community Together - abilitytools.org/blog

Advocates Working Together

When Emanuel needed a replacement for his wheelchair, and his insurance wasn’t addressing the urgency of needing an immediate replacement for his mobility device, he turned to getting a loan as his only option to obtain a wheelchair. This is how he connected with the network of California’s Advocates serving people’s needs for Assistive Technology…

Graphic of old Ability Tools Weekly logo next to new "Where It's AT: The Ability Tools Blog" logo

WHERE IT’S AT: The New Name for the Ability Tools Blog

The Ability Tools team at the California Foundation for Independent Living (CFILC) opted to let our assistive technology (AT) advocates and the general public vote online for a new blog name. With over 50% of the votes, Where It’s AT won! When you think of an assistive technology (AT) blog – Ability Tools is Where…

Banner featuring two photos of Alexa using her power chair with the YO and Ability Tools logos

The ADA: A Huge Help!

By Alexa McBride The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26th, 1990. The bill was signed by then President George W. Bush. The ADA gave millions of Americans who have disabilities access to public places, transportation, education, employment and housing. I recently learned that President Bush had a sister-in-law with a disability.…

A dark blue background with red and white diagonal stripes. The text in white reads "Vilissa's Vital AT". In red text it reads "Ability Tools Weekly". There is the Ability Tools logo.


Written By: Vilissa Thompson, LMSW, Creator of Ramp Your Voice! As someone who is proudly disabled as a wheelchair user, little woman, and who is hard of hearing (HoH), assistive technology (AT) allows me to exist and be a part of my community with fewer barriers.  To not have the AT I depend on means…

It Is Because Of Ed: From Goals To Dreams

Written By: Sara Moussavian, Full-time Employee & Advocate On July 30, 2009, I left California’s Youth Leadership Forum knowing more about who pioneer leaders of the disability community are and what they have done in comparison to the first day of the program. My knowledge about the Disability Rights Movement continued to expand, when I…

#GivingTuesday logo, the "v" in giving is a heart


Written by: Emily Flynn and Megan Cowdell, Program Coordinators at The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers About #GivingTuesday Celebrated on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving (in the U.S.) and the widely recognized shopping events Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday kicks off the charitable season, when many focus on their holiday and end-of-year giving. Since…