picture of a wooden table with headphones and an amazon speaker - the echo sitting on it

Amazon Echo: A Solution Looking for a Problem

by Chi Hung Luke Hsieh, Assistive Technology Advocate at Community Access Center in Riverside, CA Amazon announced its latest big idea last month:  The Amazon Echo.  The Echo is essentially a hands-free, voice activated Bluetooth speaker connected with wifi and to the cloud with a processing chip and 7 microphones.  For more detailed information, visit…

Picture of the low vision/blind accessibility features on the screen of the fire phone

Amazon Fire Phone and its Accessibility Features

by Nubyaan Scott, Program Coordinator for Ability Tools Many of you may know Amazon for its widely diverse online marketplace where you can buy anything from a squat stand to a Roswell soil sample. But, did you know they also make a smartphone?  A couple of weeks ago the company revealed that it had designed…