Using Twitter as Assistive Technology

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The following short closed captioned video provides a great, simple and easy AT idea for executive function or episodic memory loss.

The idea?  Use Twitter – a free program/app – to tweet to yourself about your daily activities.  Then, you can search them easily if you don’t remember something that you did or what happened in previous days.  You don’t have to make your tweets public, you can just store all of your tweets to yourself!

The following video explains how to set up a Twitter account and do this – so even someone that is not familiar with social media channels should not feel intimidated by this idea. The instructions are very easy to follow.

One thing to note, Emily mentions that, when going back to your tweets to find a word or phrase you can type Command + F on a Mac, and, for the record, on a PC you can do the same thing by using the Control + F button.

Here is the official description of the video.  Enjoy!

Temple University Occupational Therapy student Emily Wishnick interviews Tom Dixon about the use of Twitter to help with episodic memory loss due to a Traumatic Brain Injury. Created with Megan Webb.


To learn more about Tom Dixon and his story you can view Parts 1, 2, & 3  of his talk:

Traumatic Brain Injury? Technologically Beyond it!

Part I:…

Part II:

Part  III:


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