$5000 Workplace Accessibility Credit

This post was reprinted with permission from disABILITY WORK TOOLS Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Tax Incentives can help offset the cost of accommodating a worker’s disability.  With assistive technology and accommodations workers can keep doing their jobs instead of quitting their trade and applying for social security disability payments.  Workers and employers often do…

picture of an accessible tub with a walk in door and blue water inside the white tub with silver metal handles

Where Are All the Walk-in Tubs?

by Emily Flynn, Program Coordinator I have recently started working for Ability Tools as the Program Coordinator for their Information and Referral line. I receive many questions every day and, most of the time, I am able to assist the individual with little to no problems by answering their questions and/ or giving them referrals…

logo of AT video contest: says show off your Assistive Technology 2015 video contest with side yellow leaves framing it

2015 AT Video Contest – It’s an Exciting New Year with Ability Tools!

Ability Tools just recently opened a nationwide contest where participating contestants could potentially win $500! The purpose of the contest is to showcase the creative ways people with disabilities use assistive technology (AT) in their daily lives. Many people with disabilities use AT to accomplish tasks they otherwise could not. Sometimes they modify a commercial…