Assistive Technology with RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc

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Have you heard of RJ Cooper & Associates, Inc? If not, you should check him out and sign up to receive his e-newsletters.  He makes specialized software and hardware products for people with disabilities.  He also does road trips and likes to work with others to develop improved assistive technology for all!

Here is his latest e-blast (abridged):

Recently I sent out a plea for help in continuing to do what I do (create needed, requested, reasonably priced, tech) and I so appreciate the few of you that responded 🙂 Maybe I’ll hear from more of you?

I have 3 Assistive Tech (AT) announcements here:

black box size of a small speaker with on speaker and one green switch button.1) My new Cause/Effect MP3 Music Box – a ‘boombox’ (but smaller) with great sound, with your own music, and a BIG cause/effect button.  Whack the button and get 30 (0r 10 or 60) seconds of music. It stops, and the learner has to do it again. This is the best cause/effect device since my old CooperCar! (which is at I *really* want this to be a great product, helping thousands.  It’s all-in-one, self-standing, using *your* music, doing exactly what’s needed for this type of individual! I hope you’ll check out its page and at least watch the YouTube video: The Box has a switch input for alternate body control! (foot, elbow, cheek, etc.)

2) Turn-Talking – I announced this several weeks ago but several of ‘you’ out there found  bugs and suggested many enhancements.  I do believe it’s good to go now. And it’s FREE for the next weeek! It’s a conversation trainer for just about any population that is not understanding the give-and-take of having a 2-way, reciprocative conversation:  There is not another tech tool of this nature that I’m aware of. I really look forward to your results on how it works!

turn talking app piture of a cartoon boy Glenn talking to a real little girl Katie

3) Seniors Jukebox – Coming in the home stretch on this one. Anyone working with senior centers, assisted living centers, Alzheimer’s, dementia, senility, or if your mom or pop is suffering with any of these situations, I’d love to have you as testers if you have an iPad! I have very little experience in this area, but the concept of ‘engagement therapy’ is new and exciting!

That’s it for now.  I do hope that I can count on some reciprocal help from ‘you’ after the help I’ve given all of ‘you’ over the years. Just browse my home page and there must be *something* I make that can help someone *now*.

Your tech buddy,

RJ 🙂
RJ Cooper, M.Ed. – ASD



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