AT for Farming
In collaboration with CalAgrAbility, Ability Tools provides services to farmers, farm workers and farm families.
New information is added and old information is deleted from our website on a regular basis. If you have a question or concern about any resource listed on our website, please email us at [email protected].
About California AgrAbility Project
California AgrAbility Project provides bilingual (English & Spanish) education, assistance and support to farmers, ranchers, workers and their families who have an injury, disability, or illness that limits their ability to perform farm tasks. Even though funds cannot be given directly to agricultural families, they help find solutions to challenges. Staff helps locate resources including low-cost modifications to the farm, home, equipment and work site operations. Other resources include: assistive technologies research, health care and rehabilitation services, and advocacy with government agencies and non-profit organizations for farmers and workers.
Archived Webinar Trainings
The following California AgAbility archived webinar trainings were hosted by Ability Tools. All trainings are open captioned and available for you to view on YouTube at your leisure.
Ergonomics for Farming and Gardening
General overview of the field of ergonomics and how it is applied in occupational settings, followed by special focus on agricultural and gardening ergonomics. Problems and hazards facing agricultural workers in labor-intensive jobs will be highlighted, followed by introduction of simple and more advanced solutions to reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorders (such as low back pain, or carpal tunnel syndrome).
Finding Solutions for California Agricultural Communities
An Overview of the California AgrAbility Project.
Finding Solutions to Farm Safely and Independently with DOR
The Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) assists individuals with disabilities to find or maintain employment. They also provide financing for modifications at worksites.
CalAgrAbility’s mission is to promote and enhance a higher quality of life for injured, disabled, or ill farmers and farm workers. They assist farmers and farm workers through technical assistance, education, referrals, and advocacy. One of CalAgrAbility’s primary objectives is to educate consumers about assistive devices available to them, so that they may continue to farm and live (at home) safely. CalAgrAbility also contacts agencies and locates funding for families to increase accessibility to AT.
Through its Device Lending Libraries, Ability Tools allows individuals to borrow devices to test whether they will work for his/her needs. Ability Tools also provides referrals and educational and networking opportunities, connecting like-minded folks in the AT and Disability Community.
This archived webinar highlighted examples of how CalAgrAbility, Ability Tools, and the Department of Rehabilitation, together, have enabled farmers and farm workers to continue working successfully in agriculture.
California AgrAbility Project - Resources and assistance finding solutions for Californians Farming with Injuries & Disabilities.
AgrAbility Assistive Technology's Toolbox Database - The Toolbox: Agricultural Tools, Equipment, Machinery & Buildings for Farmers and Ranchers with Physical Disabilities is a resource that contains assistive technology solutions for farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural workers with disabilities.