picture of a large handled spoon

Liftware for Hand Tremors

by Nubyaan Scott, Program Coordinator for Ability Tools Tremors are involuntary movements that can make it harder to perform daily tasks. The most common of all involuntary movements, tremors can affect the hands, arms, head, face, voice, trunk, and legs. However, most tremors occur in the hands. While some people take medication in order to…

A perfume bottle spritzing

AT for People with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities

This year, in Zurich, Switzerland, a 15-unit apartment building opened, unique because it is “Europe’s first chemical-free housing complex” (chemicalsensitivityfoundation.org). The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) tried something similar in 1994 but there were a lot of mistakes made  – and a lot has changed since then, too! After looking into Multiple…

Voting Independently

by Justin Harford   Yesterday, June 3, 2014, I cast my first ballot independently as someone who is blind, using an electronic voting machine at my local polling place. This experience brought me a lot of satisfaction both because I was participating in the electoral process as a good citizen who had done their homework,…