A photo of the wing of an airplane, appearing to be taken from the perspective of looking out the window of the plane, soaring in blue skys over a blanket of white fluffy clouds. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Accessible Air Travel - abilitytools.org

Accessible Air Travel

Air travel allows us to visit family and friends from all over the world, it is one of the quickest forms of transportation. If you are traveling during the busy holiday season, you’ll want to be informed of your rights and reasonable accommodations that can be requested to make air travel accessible for you and…

A small panting dog using a walking assistance device on a grassy outdoor spot. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Assistive Technology for Disabled-Pet Owners - abilitytools.org

Assistive Technology for Disabled-Pet Owners

Pets can live with disabilities, just like us, and as a result, they can require support for many needs, including: anxiety resulting from trauma or a naturally occurring condition limb difference from birth, injury or medical procedure nerve damage from birth, medical condition, or injury pain associated with age, injury or illness temporary accommodations needed…

A young man with lower limb difference sits outside with a fluffy dog. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Assistive Technology for Disabled Pet-Owners - abilitytools.org

Assistive Technology for Disabled Pet-Owners

There are some great tools out there that can help make pet-ownership a much more simple experience for anyone with a disability, and Where it’s AT is here to provide an entry point to discovering some of those solutions. Our list can’t be exhaustive, because the types of pets people can have are innumerable and…

A smiling older woman sits in a patio filled with flowers with a poodle at her side. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Service Animals at Work - abilitytools.org

Service Animals at Work

The importance of the bond between humans and animals is undeniable. Many studies have shown the value of that bond in the form of mental, physical and even social health, but some of our animal friends are talented and caring enough to be capable of taking on the responsibility of becoming service animals. Service animals,…

Photo of Ari the Service Dog in a Jedi costume, holding a lightsaber keychain in her mouth. Text reads: Ari's Favorite Costumes

Ari the Service Dog’s Favorite Costumes

Have you chosen a Halloween costume yet… for your service animal??? Have no fear, Arianne aka “Ari.” is here! She’s part Labrador and part Golden Retriever, and all service dog. You may have seen her in social media sporting fun, adorable costumes, but most of the time she’s on duty.   What is a Service…