A woman and young girl eating large watermelon wedges in front of a couch with a fan pointing at them. They are fanning themselves with their hands and looking exaggeratingly faint. Under the Where it's AT logo, the text reads Keeping Cool in California - abilitytools.org/blog

Keeping Cool in California

Temperatures in California are at an all time high and we at Where it’s AT would like to share some tips and assistive technology (AT) that might help get you safely through the recurring heat waves. Be aware of weather forecasts and approaching temperature changes. Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio for critical updates from…

A masked man looking into the camera while sitting in an electric wheelchair, against the backdrop of the outside of a house. Text beneath the Where it's AT Blog logo reads: Advocates Working Together - Bringing the Community Together - abilitytools.org/blog

Advocates Working Together

When Emanuel needed a replacement for his wheelchair, and his insurance wasn’t addressing the urgency of needing an immediate replacement for his mobility device, he turned to getting a loan as his only option to obtain a wheelchair. This is how he connected with the network of California’s Advocates serving people’s needs for Assistive Technology…

Photo of older woman smiling while standing with her walker. Text: Thankful for my Pocketalker and friendly AT Advocate! with the Where It's AT Blog Logo in the bottom left corner.

Loving My Walker (And My Friendly AT Advocate!)

Disabled Resources Center (DRC) in Long Beach, California assisted a gentleman named Noah in obtaining a Pocketalker for his hearing needs. He wrote a lovely letter thanking them for their services, which was showcased in the 2019 Thanksgiving edition of the Where It’s AT Blog titled Thankful For my Pockettalker (And My Friendly AT Advocate).…

A non-labeled videogame controller on a red and yellow surface. Text reads: AT Holiday Gift & Mod Guide: Video Games & Toys Where It's AT Logo - abilitytools.org/blog

AT Video Game Toys and Tips for the Holidays

Yesterday’s post about AT Gifts for the holidays was suspiciously void of video game related AT. Don’t fret. Where It’s AT has our gaming community members covered, we just decided this topic deserved it’s very own blog! First off, let us just recognize that Microsoft is leading the industry in respect to first party adaptive…

Brown paper and twine-wrapped gifts with white star-shaped cards attached. The Title reads: AT Holiday Gift Guide: Toys www.abilitytools.org/blog

Assistive Technology Holiday Gift Guide

Buying the right holiday gift for a loved one can be a real challenge, even in years with less environmental challenges. If you are still struggling to find the perfect last minute gift, let Where It’s AT Give you a helping hand for the holidays. Barbie® Fashionista dolls have a focus on diversity of representation,…

A chalk drawing of different colors of stick people holding hands around the globe. The text reads - International Day of Persons with Disabilities - December 3rd, 2020 - www.abilitytools.org/blog

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities. This year’s theme will be “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”. International Day of Persons with Disabilities has been observed by the United Nations since 1992 with varying themes, such as: “2015: Inclusion matters: access and empowerment of people of…

Two Jack-o-lanterns set over a wood grain background. One is wearing a medical face mask. The text reads - Spooky, Not Scary: Treats & Treats to Stay Safe This Halloween - www.abilitytools.org/blog

Spooky, Not Scary: Staying Safe this Halloween

COVID-19 restrictions have made maintaining our social lives a challenging effort over the course of the past half year, but with one of the first social holidays of autumn approaching, many are wondering how it can be enjoyed while staying safe. Where It’s AT is here to help, with a few tricks and treats of…

Aztec god of creation, Tezcatlipoca. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tezcatlipoca.jpg / Unknown author / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)- No alterations made.

Disability History Week: A History of Prosthetic Users

In honor of Disability History Week, Where it’s AT has decided to look back and see the historical impact Assistive Technology (AT) has had on the disability community. AT can be found broadly across history and covers such a wide scope of environmental adaptation that a blog covering it all simply isn’t feasible. As such,…

Emergency items laid out on a surface, including water bottles, a first aid kit, a Swiss Army Knife and more. The title reads "AT For Disaster Preparedness - Assistive Tools Recommended for Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities and contains the DDAR and Where it's AT logo and the abilitytools.org/blog website.

AT For Disaster Preparedness

Times are uncertain across the world, but Californians in particular are managing a whole host of emergency situations in tandem with one another. As we all find ourselves grappling with the global pandemic and all of its fallout, some are seeking refuge from wildfires and some are contending with Public Safety Power Shut-offs (PSPS’s) or…