Bridging the Gap Between No-Tech/Low-Tech and High-Tech AAC

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Submitted by: LoganTech

LoganTech was founded in 2004 by parents who struggled to find an acceptable AT (assistive technology) solution for their son Logan, who has autism and is nonverbal. Logan’s father, our company president, Glen Dobbs, used his engineering background fueled by the desire to better communicate with his son to createLoganTech representative sitting with a child showing them how to operate the device. the Logan® ProxTalker® — a stepping stone from silent symbol systems like PECS into more advanced AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) technologies.

Jennifer Hakko, M.A., CCC-SLP – Murray Ridge Center, Ohio

“LoganTech – Thank you for the trial use of ProxTalker.  I am excited to report that both twins are flourishing and have quickly progressed to independent verbal requests with the words/phrases we used for the trial of the ProxTalker

The more verbal of the twins even generated a spontaneous stated a complete sentence, “I want to go for a walk please.”

LoganTech deviceThe twin who had not been heard speaking during work is independently generating 2-3 word verbal requests which were initially introduced and reinforced through the ProxTalker.  It’s like the communication light bulb has turned on!  He even did something completely novel; he took me by the hand to the vending machine and pointed to the cookies and stated, “want cookies.”

The staff are baffled at the increase in communication which I can only attribute to the introduction of the Prox Talker.”

The Ability Tools Southern California will have an in-person training on LoganTech on Thursday, June 1st, 2017 at the California Endowment in Los Angeles. Join us to learn about the variety of LoganTech products such as ProxTalker, ProxPAD, MegaBee Eyegaze AAC Device, and Braille Label Maker!  For registration details, please visit Ability Tools’ Training Registration Web Page at

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