AT Network Training Needs Survey 2014

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Do you use devices, software, technology, or apps to live more independently or serve people who do?  Do you want to learn more about different types of assistive technology (AT), AT-related services, and AT funding sources?  Are you interested in learning more about a particular AT issue?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, then we want to hear from you!

The AT Network is conducting a survey of disability community members, advocates, families, educators, and AT stakeholders to identify AT Network’s assistive technology training topics.

Responses will be used to develop the AT Network’s 2014 training topics.  Please take a moment to complete the survey no later than Friday, May 10, 2013.  There are nine (9) questions and all responses are anonymous. 

To take the survey go to  Please share this survey announcement with your networks or anyone who may be interested.


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