Jamie Caron, was one of the two grand prize winners of the “A.T. Let’s Me” Photo Contest with her picture using 3 different assistive technology (AT) devices at work.
The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) and its programs are partnering with California disability communities to celebrate October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). The purpose of NDEAM is to educate the community about disability employment issues and celebrate the many and varied contributions of America’s workers with disabilities. This year’s theme is “America’s Workforce: Empowering All.” Learn more about NDEAM.
Spotlight on Jamie Caron
Twenty-six-year-old Filipino-American Bay Area resident living with a disability, Jamie Caron, was one of the two grand prize winners of the “A.T. Let’s Me” Photo Contest. Her picture using assistive technology (AT) was captured while at her desk at Community Resources for Independent Living (CRIL) in the East Bay Area, where she iworks as a Community Organizer.
Jamie was introduced to disability community organizing after participating in the California Youth Leadership Forum in 2010 and later became a volunteer for Youth Organizing (YO!) Disabled and Proud.
“What I like most about working at CRIL is working with youth,” said Jamie. Some activities she’s most proud of include teaching youth about disability history, speaking as a youth on panels and discussions and having organized CRIL’s Disability Action Network for Youth (DANY) Conference to train other Independent Living centers on how to start youth programs.
Jamie’s AT
“I use the pen for meetings. I will write one word down, and the keys on the notebook can record,” said Jamie. “It helps me take notes; I don’t write fast enough in a meeting. Sometimes people talk very fast… especially during webinars.”
Find a smartpen in the AT Exchange
Jamie’s glasses are functional and fashionable!
Find magnification glasses in the AT Exchange
The headset helps Jamie keep hands free to take notes.
Find wireless and wired headsets in the AT Exchange
Want to Work? Jamie’s Advice:
“Explore all of your options regarding assistive technology and accommodations,” said Jamie. “Don’t be afraid or shy to talk to your boss or supervisor regarding those things.”
Californians with disabilities can find FREE resources for devices that may provide assistance at work. Learn more: http://abilitytools.org/resources/docs/tip-sheets/TipSheet-AT-in-the-Workplace-optimized.pdf