Submitted by Joan Horvath, Nonscriptum LLC
Often students with visual impairments have difficulty with concepts based on visual/spatial relationships, particularly in math and science. 3D prints offer an unprecedented asset for teachers of the visually impaired (TVIs), and 3D printers are becoming affordable. But TVIs need help designing models to be 3D printed, since the design process can be time-consuming and can often require significant research.
We have documented some simple, practical conventions for designing math and science models. We have created a Google Group that links TVIs who need design files and teachers of computer-aided-design classes, school makerspace managers, and similar people who want projects for their students to do.
We also have written several books that might assist with getting started with modeling, including 3D Printed Science Projects, available from our publisher, Apress, on Amazon, and through other retailers.
Finally, four times a year we teach a one-month-long, all-online class for LERN Network about the issues that come up when one is trying to create a 3D printable model to accurately represent a math or science concept.